Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Dental Displays Integrating Facebook, Reviews & Demand Force

DSIDs Displays Fully Integrate Facebook, Reviews, & Demand Force in REAL TIME!!!

The integration of social media, online reviews, especially dental reviews is essential to the 'online conscious patient' who is seeking information about a doctor and/or their office.  

Essential online presence: 
  1. Make sure you have an online presence on your patients popular Social Media Sites
  2. Encourage online reviews or consider using a service to provide Social Media Marketing, or patient marketing
  3. Monitor and manage your online social media & reviews
  4. Integrate and incorporate all your marketing across all media platforms, cross promote and integrate 
  5. Use DSID's engaging, CUSTOM displays to encourage participation across all social media platforms and display online reviews.
DSID's engages all your social media and can fully integrate all reviews including reviews from 3rd party patient marketing companies such as Demand Force. 

Call 267-225-SIGN or visit or site @  Digital Sign ID for the most visually engaging digital displays for dental professionals. 


Friday, November 2, 2012

Digital Signage Dentist, Digital Display Dentist, TV Display for Dentist

Digital Signage for Dentist is becoming a superior in office marketing tool! Digital Signage for Dentist, the absolute best way to engage your patients about products, services, and advanced training. Our screens will educate your current patients about extended service offerings and have them asking you about treatment.

Unlike most digital signage companies DSID builds your custom, captivating slides which are cohesive with your brand, and satisfies your marketing objectives. DSID's digital signage for the dental profession plays in instrumental part of your marketing mix.

Call us today at 267-225-SIGN and we can discuss with you our many options, starting at $999.00.

View some of our content: Digital Signage for Dentist or our website Digital Sign ID

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Digital Display Choices For Dentist- Digital Clinic, Kaleidoscope, My Proviewer, Digital Sign ID (few of the choices)

Digital signage for dental professionals is a great way to market directly to your target audience however their are several important things that differentiate the Good from the Bad!

1. Is the content customized & cohesive with the doctor's brand?

2. Is the content viewed Static or Dynamic?

3. Is the content 'marketing rich'?

4. Does the content provide 'infotainment'?

5. Is the content developed by marketing & graphic art pro's?

6. Are there various display options? Ability to display media simultaneously?

7. Social media integration?

8. Does the content engage your audience and create a 'call to action'?

9. Can the signage company provide professional promotional slides?

10. Can you develop customized vendor slides?

Unequivocally their is only 1 company who can offer all 10 above and much more...Digital Sign ID (DSID).

DSID is exclusive to the dental field, was developed by marketing graphic pro's and has an established marketing relationship with dental professionals! 

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Advertise & Market directly to Patients!

Your waiting area is host to your captive audience, you know the audience who would benefit the most from learning more about the products and services rendered!

Let your patients know about your competitive advantages, products, services and whatever it is that makes you great. DSID provides a perfect marketing tool to convey the perfect message with subtle marketing content. Our digital displays do not 'bore' your audience with info, we provide custom created 'infotainment' specific to your practice and our information is cohesive with your brand.

Considerate turning that person into a patient, or get them to inquire about your services, DSID can make it happen.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Dentist and Digital Signage

Dentists are healthcare professionals providing dental care including; preventative, cosmetic, and restorative dental services to patients. What many dentists are not is SALESMAN! Digital signage presents an opportunity for the dentist to effectively communicate to their patients about dental health care and the many services their office renders. Consider this, a patient is waiting for his regular dental check-up & cleaning. The patient is engaged in the digital signage which is discussing the both the aesthetic & health benefits of orthodontics. The patients is now inquisitive about the orthodontic services offered by your office, thus opening up a discussion with the dentist. What we have noticed since deploying digital signage in dental offices, is that the patients are now inquiring about services, rather than the dentist having to encourage additional services. The benefit or ROI is simple: Cost of the digital signage as compared to the additional services requested and administered.

Interested in discussing DSID's in office digital signage for your practice give us a call or drop an email.

Brandon Edgerton
DSID New Business Development

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Marketing For Dentist: Digital Signage from DSID

DSID complete digital signage solution for Dentist and those in the Dental Fields is a quintessential marketing tool. Our signage displays custom, motion graphics, which captivates your patients and engages them. Patients are shown information about products and services which entail opens them up too conversation about the preventative & cosmetic services offered by the doctor. 'The patients have taken notice of the signage and have begun to ask both myself and my team about services such as Invisalign & tooth whitening', says Dr. Laurilla of Yardley, PA. DSID's signage is developed to evoke the conversation about products and services which is often, somewhat difficult to discuss. DSID signage is your sales and marketing tool which in a very short time begins to pay big dividends. Signage which lacks the creativity, motion graphics, our marketing content is nothing more than a pretty picture on the wall.

Interested in a free demo to see what DSID can do for your practice call 267-809-7710 and/or visit us at


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Find DSID at upcoming events meetings including Academy of General Dentistry in Phila, PAO, MASO and the AAO.

DSID is hitting the road to showcase our digital signage solution for dentists, orthodontist, and those in the dental specialties. Throughout the summer and fall we are attending numerous dental/dental specialties meetings here in the northeast. Our custom, dynamic, content is developed specifically for your practice and will turn prospects into new patients. Our subtle marketing messages speak directly to the captive audience seated in your waiting area, causing them to inquire about services and or products. In addition we promote your brand and quantify you as an expert!!! call DSID @ 267-809-7710 to see an in office preview.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Digital Signage For Dentist

DSID provides digital display, signage for the dental field, and assist in marketing/promoting products, services and credentials of a dental practice with custom created dynamic content.  Our 'content TRULY is key', and our creative approach to marketing & branding your practice in the waiting area is unmatched!   Visit our website at www.digitalsignid.com to learn more.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Digital Signage Exclusive to the Dental Field and Specialties:

Digital Sign Id, DSID, offers digital signage exclusive to those in the dental field.  Digital signage is a great way to communicate about services and products offered directly to your target audience sitting in your waiting area.  It's simple we create custom animated slides which highlight products and services through visual motion graphics   which leave a lasting image.  We quantify your office expertise, showcase services, build the Dr's brand, and educate your target audience.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Digital Signage for Orthodontist In Pittsburgh- King Orthodontics

Digital Sign ID (DSID) recently deployed a digital display in downtown Pittsburgh, Penn Avenue for King Orthodontics an Invisalign Elite Provider.  The display has made a huge impact in promoting the practice, grabbing attention and providing quantifiable expertise to Drs. Bryan & Earl King.  It's a 65'' commercial portrait display with 3-10 second custom, creative, dynamic slides which grab the attention of person's passing by.  Take a look at their signage at  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OyPFHXalLzw or visit us at www.digitalsignid.com.